Brianna has been tagged by one of her friends and being the new blogger that I am, I had no idea what that meant. After figuring it out, we had a little heart to heart this morning - it was fun!
So here's a glimpse of my Cutie Brianna.

Brianna loves side pony tails (I am not really sure why - she's only had it done one other time. I guess we should have auditioned her for Napolean Dynamite!)

She played soccer for the first time this Spring and was a go-getter! She really enjoyed it and was quite aggressive. (Check out those awesome pants - is mom great or what? That's what happens when you can't find shorts 5 minutes before you're supposed to be there.)
It was fun to watch.

She loves, loves, loves to hold Landon and tries to do it all the time.

She is very photogenic and is my only child who gets self-conscious if she looks funny in a picture. (She actually liked this one.)

She loves her little laptop. (We had some birthday money from Grandma and this is what she wanted - I didn't think she would like it at all, but it was a complete hit!!! Everyone in the house loves it.)
Here's some of Brianna's Favorites
Favorite activities
- drawing
- coloring
- playing with friends
- doing stamps
- playing with moon sand
- playing littlest pet shops
- playing with her laptop
- playing make believe
- playing I Spy
- doing paints (painting easter eggs)
- juming on the trampoline
- playing outside/riding bike
- playing on the swingset
- playing soccer
Favorite Movies
- Twelve Dancing Princesses
- My Little Pony movies
- Island Princess
Favorite Places to go
- Boondocks
- Hogle Zoo
- Classic Fun Center
- Dinosaur Museum
- Lagoon
Favorite Vacations
- Disneyland
- Camping
- Bear Lake
Favorite things to eat
- Cheetos
- Ice cream
- donuts and oreos
- cocoa puffs
- cookie crisp
- plain cheerios
- multi-grain cheerios
- taco soup
- pizza
What she wants to be when she grows up
- An Artist
Favorite Preschool Activities
- Making Kites
- eating lunch
- learning letters and how to read
- Circle time
- Playdoh
Now it's Brianna's turn to tag someone else and she tags: Isabelle B., Maddie B., Kelsea B., Mckinley L., Alex B., Kelsie D., and Lizzie B. (And if you don't know what tagging is, it just means you get to feature your child on your blog so that we can read all about them.) Have fun!