On July 13th, Brianna decided to get her ears pierced. I know that everyone has their own type of rule or philosophy regarding when their children can have their ears pierced and my thought is simple . . . if they are old enough to understand that they will have holes in their ears for the rest of their life and they still want to get them pierced, then by golly they are more than welcome to get them pierced. I LOVE wearing earrings and secretly hope that all of my daughters will want to get their ears pierced, but I do not want to persuade them in any way.
My sweet mother and my younger sister both decided not to get their ears pierced because they didn't want holes in their ears - I figure if I have a daughter that feels the same way, then I will let that be her decision. So far my oldest two have both chosen to get their ears pierced, but Brianna wasn't so sure a couple years ago. She didn't know if she would want holes in her ears. Amber "definitely" does not want her ears pierced and I am not going to talk her into it either. If she comes to me in a few years and has changed her mind, then I will gladly take her to get them done. Getting ears pierced is a fun little event and the girls are so excited afterward when they see the cute earrings in their ears.
I thought it was a lot of fun to go with Brianna and get her ears pierced. She was SO excited and only a little bit nervous. Jason and all the kids came and Jason's parents also met us there, because his mom really wanted to come. Brianna did not want me to film them putting the holes in, but I was able to take before and after pictures. She was so brave and did not cry at all - she said it really didn't hurt that bad. When we came home and had to clean them before bed, we noticed that the back of her ears were stuck in the back of the earrings and it was very painful trying to pull the skin out. She said it hurt worse than the piercing. Well, today it has been six weeks since she got her ears pierced and she took her studs out for the first time. She put on a different pair of earrings and it is adorable.

She had to do one ear at a time because there was only one person there to do the piercing.

Out of curiosity, what is your rule for getting ears pierced? I love to hear what other people do :) My parents said I had to wait until I was 12, but I finally nagged them SO much that I was able to get them when I was 9.