Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Read Like a Star

At the kids' school I was asked to be in charge of the big "Read Like a Star" Reading Program this year. At first, I wasn't thrilled about being asked a week before school started, but when I learned more about it, I was excited for the opportunity.  As part of the program they wanted me to do a kick off assembly for the entire school and I was super excited about that.  The assembly was great and it was the first time I actually felt at home at the school. I loved being in front of the kids and being able to get them excited about reading.  The Student Leadership Council helped me with the assembly and the school counselor also helped me by reading a a fun book together to all of the students.  I'm grateful I get to be involved more at the school!

Yes, these are our fearless leaders at the school!  I didn't think anyone could match Thunder Ridge, but these four have not disappointed! . . . they are a hoot!  I'm really enjoying this school!!

Our awesome Janitor and Secretary . . . also super fun!

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