Monday, October 6, 2008


Tonight for Family Night, we did a thankful-for-circle. We went around the table and had each person say what he/she is thankful for about each other person. It was so neat to hear what everyone had to say and especially to see the children's faces light up when they were being talked about! I thought . . . "wow, what a great idea, we'll definitely have to do this more often!"

Well, it finally came to me and the children started saying what they were thankful for. When I realized that the general consensus was that the children are most thankful for me because I let them earn back their groundings, I wasn't sure what to think. Is that really all I have to show as a mother? Hmmmmmm! I guess my goal now is to see if I improve at all between now and the next thankful-for-circle. (I want my thankful-fors to be as good as Jason's!)


Devon said...

Moms ALWAYS have to be the bad guy all day, so I figure it's probably best if they sometimes fear me. But what a fun idea! We totally need to try that!

Devon said...

Oh, and I made that thing on my blog by just digital scrapbooking it together (using whatever program you have) and saving it as a .jpg. Then you can just upload it as a picture. Hope that helps!

Brenda said...

It is funny that the person that does the MOST for the kids gets the least amount of praise, good thing we mothers don't work on complaments right?

Ali said...

So typical of kids! I love the thankful idea, though. We've done that before, but not for a while. I'll have to try that this week!