Christmas Day was wonderful this year! Santa Claus was very generous - but did much better than last year - he totally went overboard last year ;) The kids were all so happy and very gracious for all that they received. We started the day out at home with all the kids in our bedroom. Before we went out to see if Santa came, we read the Christmas story and sang hymns. Jason and I went out first, then the kids came out one by one, youngest to oldest. Each of them were so excited when they saw what Santa brought!! We then opened presents and let the kids play for a little while before heading up to Sandy.
At 10:30 a.m. we went to Jason's parents for our traditional Christmas Brunch and the kids had a blast playing with cousins and opening even more presents. At 3:30 p.m. we went to my mom's house for our traditional Christmas Dinner. The kids performed an awesome play that they had prepared during the week before (The Christmas Carol) and they did an amazing job! It was actually quite touching. We then opened more presents and watched a movie.
We were pretty tired by the end of the day, but it only happens once a year and it sure was GREAT!!!

All Kelsea wanted from Santa was her own Christmas tree with decorations - he totally delivered AND managed to put a $15 Itunes gift card on the tree as an ornament (She recently bought an Itouch with the money she made off of selling her DS Lite and all her games).

Brianna was so happy to see High School Musical Dolls!!! (And even more happy to find out that two of her closest friends also received the same thing - hmmmm, does Santa coordinate amongst friends?) ;)

I've never seen Corbyn so excited! He wanted this Lego set more than anything, but I didn't think it was available in this country because that is what the Lego website said. Boy was he surprised to see it! (I wonder if Santa had his elves go to the Midnight Toys R Us sale and wait for four hours in line just to get this one thing? Hmmmmm, if he did, he sure must love my son!!!)

My cute, simple, Amber just wanted this darling game called Elefun and was super pleased to see it!

This was Landon's first, REAL, Christmas and he was overwhelmed with all the cars he received. He LOVES them all!

Jason and I were pretty spoiled as well and very grateful that Santa brought us some fun things to share with the entire family.

Don't you just love the bed head bangs? Not to mention the over the top smile! Love it!!

Christmas Brunch at the Barkers:

It's a tradition to have our family picture taken with reindeer ears and Santa hats (Keira was asleep in the other room.)

The fabulous spread of yummy food. Jason's mom goes all out!

It's a tradition for the kids to decorate Cake Trains with lots of yummy candy - they love it!

Larson Party at my mom's:


Ashley played the part of Scrooge in the play the kids performed

I wasn't able to get a picture of it, but Corbyn and Amber were husband and wife trying to get scrooge to donate to charity and it was the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! Corbyn totally came out of his shell and actually did quite well acting!!!

We had such a wonderful Christmas and my only qualm with it is that it went by way too fast!
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