I attended our Stake Youth Conference this week and had a great experience. I wish that I could have gone to all of the day sessions, but I needed to be home with the kids. Yesterday, however, I had the opportunity of going up to Heber Valley Camp with our youth and we had such a great time (I will post pictures a little bit later). The whole conference was so well put together, the turnout was enormous, and everyone seemed to enjoy the entire experience . . . . well, almost everyone (ha ha ha) . . .
So here's the story.
I happen to come from a very goofy, funny ward, who fears nothing and no one. When we arrived at camp, yesterday, our Stake YW's President (who is a complete hoot herself) was going over all of the rules for the camp and the stake camp. One of the rules that was most emphasized was that NO one was allowed to use the stake bathrooms, except the stake leaders. There are good reasons for this, but we happened to know that the real reason for it was because one of the stake YW leaders is a serious germ-a-phobe (sp?) and cannot handle public use of restrooms. She has to make sure that everything is very sanitized and the thought of anyone using her "sanitized" bathroom is highly unacceptable. Well, when our YMs leaders became aware of this, they thought it would be pretty funny to create a long line of bathroom intending customers right in front of the Stake bathroom, right before dinner started. Those of us in the line were trying to be as unsanitary as possible and we made sure that this particular Stake YW leader was aware. Before she realized it was a total joke, she came running up to the door almost as if to blockade it from the filthy soon-to-be users. It was too funny to watch. She did catch on though and got a good laugh.
We went and sat down for dinner and one of our other YM's leaders started telling us some of the funny things some of his co-workers would do at work . . . well, that got us to thinking . . . "hmm, does anyone have any chocolate they could spare?" Our YMs president went to his car, got a chocolate chip cookie, broke it in half, and smeared the chocolate on the toilet seat of the Stake leaders bathroom. He took a picture of it and it totally looked like skid marks. We were so pleased at our work and giggled a lot through dinner.
All of a sudden, the Stake YW's President walks over towards us, leans down and says, "You're gonna bring it? Oh, I'll bring it" and we knew it was on. (I have gotten to know her these past few months and completely adore her - she is so funny and from what I have been able to see, she knows how to have fun as well . . . if you know what I mean.)
So, later that night, in front of the entire stake, she called us out. She said that there had been some rule violations and would everyone please turn their attention to the Sunrise Meadows 1st Ward leaders. She then revealed the bathroom mishap and made a snide remark about it - we knew her game was on.
So we waited all night to see what would happen and nothing did. Well, this morning when we sat down to breakfast, our YM's President, and each member of the Bishopric were welcomed with a wonderful surprise in their eggs . . . chunky mint patties were hidden and I must say, they did look gross. We thought it was funny, but not good enough to match what we had done. I, so, look forward to future stake events with the youth. This is going to become an underground battle, and we, the SM 1st Ward WILL win!!!