(My Side)
(Okay, I confess, I did fluff these pillows just a little before taking this picture.)
(Please be kind - I had just woken up from a much needed nap and have serious bed-head!)
Anyone of you who dare to do this tag, please do! Have fun!
1. What is your husband's name? Jason
2. How long have you been together? 13 years
3. How long did you date? We met June 10, 1995, got engaged October 28, 1995, and were married December 30, 1995.
4. How old is he? 34
5. Who said I love you first? I kind of did. I gave him a neat book of quotes that he really liked and inside of it, I wrote him a sweet message; at the end I said, “I love you” When I gave him the book, we were at the top of Snowbird, sitting on a blanket. When he read the message, he looked at me and said, “I love you too.” We had a sweet little kiss after that – oolala!
6. Who is taller? He is
7. Who sings better? Probably me, but he has a great voice (he just doesn’t read music).
8. Who is smarter? I would have to say Jason. I may have pulled 4.0s, but I don’t remember much of what I learned. Jason is naturally brilliant and remembers everything. Besides, he has his Master’s and I still have two years left of college to get my Bachelors.
9. Whose temper is worse? I don’t think either of us have a temper, but I am definitely more impatient (not with him, though – mostly just the kids)
10. Who does the laundry? Me – and it NEVER ends!!!
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do. (If you are laying down)
12. Who pays the bills? Me. I cannot imagine not knowing exactly what is going on financially.
13. Who mows the lawn? Mostly me – I LOVE to mow the lawn and I am super-anal about mow lines! Jason always does the trimming though and we go out together.
14. Who does the dishes? Both of us. I do them, he does them, we both do them – it doesn’t really matter – I would say we are both really good at helping the other person out.
15. Who cooks dinner? I do, but Jason always cooks our breakfast meals and he is the cookie man (he always makes cookies or edible cookie dough). Jason does want to be like the Tepanyaki Chefs though – maybe someday.
16. Who drives when you are together? Jason. I always fall asleep.
17. Who is more stubborn? Me. I’d like to think I’m not, but sometimes I am.
18. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me. Probably because I am wrong more often.
19. Who proposed? Jason. He surprised me at the top of the
20. Who is more sensitive? We both are.
21. Who has more friends? I am definitely the socialite, but he has more Facebook friends.
22. Who wears the pants in the family? Jason, but I put them on for him. lol!
23. How did the two of you meet? Jason saw my picture in his brother’s yearbook and “felt inspired to call.”
24. What is one of his lovable quirks? Some of the funny things he says to the kids, like, “What’s this right here” – it’s how he says it that is so lovable – it’s so goofy.
25. What is your favorite thing to do together? (Am I allowed to say that? j/k!) We love to hang out after the kids are in bed – sometimes we watch our favorite shows or we both get on our laptops and chat with each other – pretty pathetic, I know.
26. What is something you rarely agree on? How soon Jason will have a new cell phone! He is always getting the latest and greatest and says, “this is it” even though I know he’ll have a new phone in a few months. We get a pretty good laugh about this.
27. What's an important thing you have in common? We both have very strong testimonies of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!!
28. What names do you call each other? Sweetie pie, honey buns, babe, and William
29. What gift did he give you that meant the most? Himself – that is a gift that has never stopped giving (anything else doesn’t matter).
30. What's the kindest thing he's ever done for you? Everything he does is kind. He always helps around the house, he puts the kids to bed by himself when he knows I need a break, he supports my book clubs, he makes me laugh, he surprises me with flowers, he gives me hugs and kisses, he tells me how much he loves me . . . should I keep going?
31. What's the most interesting thing about him? People think he is quiet and reserved and he is not at all. The Jason I live with is not the Jason people think they know. He is so funny, goofy, silly, etc.
32. What do you like most about him? He treats me like a queen! He is always kind, he has never ever raised his voice at me or the children, he compliments me (even when I am not the ideal shape), he provides for our family, he never complains, he is very gracious, and he is just plain, the easiest person in the world to live with!!!! Oh, yea, and he is super hot!!